Wednesday 16 May 2012

No need for economists, florists, lawyers, garners or hairdressers


No need for economists, florists, lawyers, garners or hairdressers

If you are an economist, lawyer, florist, gardener o hairdresser, you are not on the wish list of employers of Medimurje. They announced they will begin a search for workers of production line, salesmen, locksmiths, sewers and truck drivers.

When talking about difficulties while finding workers, employers pointed out a lack of candidates of desired profession , lack of work experience and lack of interest among potential workers. They gathered information about employments, difficulties while finding employees, plans and needs for new workers. Unlike last couple of years, there is a small number of planned needs in construction work business.

Employers still hire people on determined period of time, and there is a very small number of part-time job offers.

HZZ expects that future needs for employees will be between number 3500 and 4000. Survey marked a soft announcement of employment growth by the end of 2012 compared to the last year.

No need for economists, florists, lawyers, garners or hairdressers

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 16/05/2012